Troparion (Musical Genre)

Troparion “Lord, Save Your People” (Asmatikon Melody)

Troparion Instead of the Trisagion “Your Cross We Worship”

Byzantine Chant at King Charles Coronation

'Christ Is Risen' - Troparion of Pascha (Georgian Melody)

Troparion “Lord, Save Your People” (Syllabic Melody)

Troparion of Theophany (Znamenny Chant, Tone 1)

Resurrectional Troparion, Tone 2

Resurrectional Troparion, Tone 8

Troparion of Theophany

Troparion - Prefeast of the Nativity of Christ - HT/St. Sergius

Resurrectional Troparion, Tone 4

Festal Troparia - Theophany

Orthodox Paschal Troparion, Christ is Risen - English Orthodox Byzantine Chant

Resurrectional Troparion, Tone 3

Troparion to St. George

Epiphany troparion in different languages and melodies

Troparion to St. Christopher (Russian 'Greek' Chant, Tone 4)

Orthodoxy Sunday - Procession w/ Icons

Byzantine Orthodox chant: Σῶσον, Κύριε, τὸν λαόν - Lord, Save Your People (Lyric video)

Resurrectional Troparion, Tone 6

Troparion Prior to Christmas - St. Romanos Chorale

Paschal troparion in three styles - Choral quartet of St. Sampson's cathedral

God is the Lord; Troparion of Nativity (Tone 4) (Obikhod)

Troparion of Transfiguration